The Klassiest Kids in Town!? |
In case you've been living under a rock the Hamptons are buzzing with the comings and goings ... or should I say Komings... ugh... no ... comings and goings of the Kardashians. If you don't believe me go to Google and search "Kardashian Hamptons" and you'll get about 17,500 news articles come up. Meanwhile search "Hamptons Deer Cull" and you get 2 articles. I'm so glad we have our priorities straight! Anyway, while you read about "
13 Hot Spots Too Classy for the Kardashians" or even "
9 Things to Know about their Summer in the Hamptons," I'm going to add one more tid-bit to the mix. I'm hearing via the grapevine that producers for the show..... are not only asking to see if they can shoot in local restaurants and get all the patrons to sign releases but that they're also allegedly asking to get it for
free! Their claim is that their show has done a lot to help businesses increase traffic and everyone should be thrilled to have KK-K shoot in their restaurant. SO, how is it going? My sources say not so good. The "K's" are going after spots that are already hot and don't need "Z" list celebrities to promote their business. Think about it, do you really think the Hamptons A list need an endorsement from the Kardashians? I'm sure Jerry Seinfeld and Gwyneth are both waiting with baited breath to see where they've decided to dine! By the way, let's also be real here.. .they're living in NOYAC.... not Southampton... I'm dying to know if they've made it yet to Cromer's for some fried chicken or mac and cheese!?
In honor of throwback Thursday, I'm doing a little plug for Stephen Talkhouse this weekend. One of the best and underrated bands from the 1980's is playing tomorrow night. Yes, the English Beat featuring Dave Wakeling is coming to town. I've seen the band here a few times over the past few years and in a way, it's kind of a perennial. Playing all their hits including "I Confess, Mirror in the Bathroom, Save it for Later" and even a few General Public songs (Wakeling was basically the heart of both bands), the show is amazing. I think I'm too old to go to an arena and see anyone. But the intimate setting of The Talkhouse makes for a really memorable night. You can buy tickets
here ahead of time and in case you don't know the band, here's one of my favorite songs by them... trust me you should go!
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