
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Breaking News... Southampton Town approves proposed Shinnecock Casino!!!!

In what is certainly going to have repercussions all over the Hamptons. Southampton Town has given the green light on the Proposed 1500 room Shinnecock Casino/Hotel. The groundbreaking for the new "International House of Pancakes Hotel and Casino" should be as soon as this Monday. In addition to the casino, restaurants and hotel the location will also feature a maple syrup processing plant. Town spokesman Seymour Prophets stated, "this is a big step for Southampton and an even bigger step for pancake lovers."

The location of the proposed casino has been controversial in the past but an agreement has been reached and the location has been announced as the home of the Shinnecock Country Club. But have no worries golf lovers the course will soon be replaced with a "pancake themed miniature course."

In related news, the giant pancake corporation has announced they will be pouring millions into the local economy. In fact, local officials have been so please with all of the proposals they've decided to change the name of Meadow Lane to Boysenberry Boulevard. Said Ihop spokeswoman Constance Payne, "we're so excited to make the Hamptons a sweeter place to live!"

By the way, if you believe this... gullible is not in the dictionary!!!

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